Holistic Business Coaching

90-Day Practice Acceleration Program
Specifically for Therapists, Healers, Coaches or Health Practitioners Who Want to Market and Grow Your Holistic Business Quickly, Easily and Simply

Join Me For 90 Days Starting This March For A Powerful Coaching Program Where I Will Reveal To You My Proven 7-Step Holistic Business Building Success System **Designed Specifically For Holistic Practitioners And Business Owners**

So you can quickly grow your business, begin to consistently attract a steady stream of ideal clients, create leveraged programs so you can help SO many more people with your unique gifts and you can FINALLY have the powerful impact you intended to when you came to the Planet ......PLUS create the freedom, income and meaning your Spirit longs for!

This Coaching Program is for you EVEN if you are just starting out in your business. You'll walk away with all of your marketing steps mapped out that you need to get you started OR expand your Holistic Business in the quickest way possible so you can hit the ground running and get your healing gifts out into the world in a big, inspiring and powerful way.

From: Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC
Madison, WI USA

Date February 13, 2014

Dear Holistic Therapist, Coach, Healer or Health Practitioner:

You have a calling in your heart to bring your gifts and your Mission out in a big way on the Planet. I know this is the case because otherwise you wouldn't have been guided and drawn to read this page. Because I know this, I want you to imagine this for a moment:

  • You arrive in the office of your Holistic Practice on Monday morning after doing your Spiritual Practice. You are excited about your day because when you look at your schedule it is filled with your ideal clients—highly motivated, spiritual, fun, loving clients who are a Joy to work with and who enthusiastically pay your fee and are so grateful for the powerful work you are doing together.
  • They are happily referring their friends and colleagues to you.
  • You also have time in your schedule for your creative projects of getting your message out there in a bigger way. You have the perfect mix of doing what you LOVE throughout the day and you feel SO in the flow living your bigger purpose on the Planet and having a blast doing it.
  • The magical thing about that all of these clients found you and called you ready to work with you. Each and every one of them found you through your marketing materials and systems which helped to screen and filter ONLY the clients that were the perfect fit for you.
  • You are excited because in 2 weeks you will be leading a Transformational Workshop for a group of clients and it is already FULL. Your marketing systems made it effortless and easy to fill this Workshop with clients who are SUPER excited to attend and who are going to get amazing breakthroughs in their life from attending.
  • You feel the gratefulness of all the Transformation you are able to support with all of your clients. You get emails, cards and phone calls from your clients sharing their appreciation for what a difference you have made in their life. That because of you— they are able to feel joy, know the beauty of their Spirits, experience health, have loving relationships and manifest their deepest dreams.
  • You have a community of Holistic colleagues who love you, play with you, support the highest Vision of you, who celebrate and revel in all of your successes. And by the way they are having amazing success as well. You feel a deep soul connection with them and feel a level of support that nourishes you on the deepest level AND stretches you to joyfully expand even more to the next level (and you know there is ALWAYS a next level...)
  • You are experiencing abundance on a level you never knew was even possible. You are able to take trips, get massages and your own healing work, donate generously to causes that are dear to your heart. You never have to ever worry about money again because you have your marketing systems in place that support the flow of Ideal Clients to you continuously.
  • You have an overflow of money that continues to expand as you express and expand your gifts in the world to the level you intended when you came to the Planet. Plus you have more time and freedom in your schedule than you have ever had before. You are deeply fulfilled and SO grateful for your beautiful life.

Close your eyes and sit with this for a minute.

How would achieving this make a difference in your life? In the life of those close to you? In the lives of your Clients?

But I'm guessing this Vision is not happening for you right now?

And instead you are:

  • You are struggling to find enough clients
  • You are feeling frustrated because you are attracting clients who aren't motivated, don't put their growth as the highest priority and balk at paying your fee
  • You feel like what you are doing isn't having the impact you would like because instead of your phone ringing with clients eager and excited to work with you your phone is ringing with clients canceling their appointments because they prioritize other things in their life over their healing
  • You feel like you are trying SO hard to get your business off the ground but it isn't working and you don't know what is getting in the way leaving you feeling SO frustrated
  • You see other Holistic Practitioners struggle to create a thriving Practice so you resign yourself to feeling like "That is just the way it is"
  • You are fearful of leaving your full-time, secure job because you don't know if you could make enough money in your Holistic Practice to replace your income
  • You are feeling overwhelmed with the day to day aspects of your Holistic Practice and you don't have enough free time for yourself or to even think about ways you could expand your business
  • You are feeling overwhelmed and confused because you aren't sure what the most important steps are to build your business and which ones to do first—
  • You don't have a web-site or the web-site you have is not working powerfully to bring you your ideal clients. And quite frankly on-line marketing feels overwhelming to you.
  • You want to move into creating Groups, Products, Packaged Programs and Workshops so you can free up your time and have more expanded impact with your healing gifts—you want to leverage your business but you are so confused about how to do this
  • No one ever taught you ALL the important marketing things you needed to know to fill your practice and keep it consistently full, especially not with the SPECIFIC how-to details and guidance you need.

There is a gap between your Vision and what you are
living in your Holistic Business.

And here is Why (and it's not your fault!)...........................

Let me first start with my own story because it can start to explain how things got SO off track with Holistic Practitioners building the thriving Practices they were truly destined to build.

Years ago I was working as a Therapist in a clinic that was like a sweat-shop. I don't mean to be dramatic but we were required to see about 25+ clients a week on top of endless paperwork. My Spirit was slowly withering and I didn't know where to turn. (Have you ever felt that way—it's awful!)

I ended up leaving that job and thought I had broken free of the system to just find myself in ANOTHER agency job that was stressful like the other one. Even more confused and disheartened I remember taking a walk with my friend Cheryl and expressed my feeling of hopelessness to her. She said, "Why don't you start a Holistic Practice doing the work that you truly love?"

It was truly what I wanted to do but I was SO scared because over the years when I had seen other Holistic Practitioners in the training programs I was in start private practices—NO ONE seemed to be creating successful Practices. I had no role models for success and it scared me. Yet—I felt my back was against the wall and there were no other options but to LEAP.

But I knew I needed to LEAP and do it differently than they did and crack the code on why SO many Holistic Practitioners with amazing gifts to share were not getting their Practices off the ground. What I learned over the years that allowed me to create a 6-Figure Holistic Psychotherapy Practice in Green Bay, WI astounded me. It also allowed me to turn around and use the SAME system to create a 2nd Multi-6-Figure business, The Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy. I discovered 4 Key Barriers that no one has been taking about—until now.

It is now the same information I share in my fool-proof 7 Step-System to help other Holistic Business owners create successful, thriving 6-Figure Practices.

I FINALLY cracked the Code.............................................

I learned that the 4 Key (Hidden) Barriers to Holistic
Practitioners Succes have been holding 1000's of Holistic
Practitioners back for SO many Years

#1. Lack of the right Marketing Knowledge that is congruent with Holistic Values

Yes there is A LOT of marketing information out there but not marketing informationthat is in alignment with connecting with your clients in a deeply affirming and intimate way. That is why SO many Holistic Therapists, Healers and Coaches RUN from learning about Marketing because what traditional Marketing teaches just turns them off—understandably so. (I know I felt this way) I translated the marketing knowledge I learned over years of study to what would be more congruent for Holistic Values AND what works best in Holistic Practices.

#2. Fears of Visibility

Many Holistic Practitioners have a deep fear of being visible and having LOTS of people knowing the deeply spiritual and transformative work that they do. The trouble with this is that when they keep themselves invisible the ideal clients are that are meant to be working with them aren't able to find them. Does this sound familiar to you? Then they feel that what they are doing isn't truly wanted because the RIGHT clients aren't finding them—the clients that are wanting and could benefit most from the work that they do.

Can you see how this would be a HUGE
barrier from growing your Practice?

Over the years from my own journey, because I had BIG time visibility issues (surprise) I have been able to teach techniques and methods to become Safely, Joyfully VISIBLE. Here is a powerful message I teach "Your true safety comes in your full Visibility" I will show you how to do this at the Workshop.

When you really shine your light the clients you are meant to be working with find you. Remember this quote—Pay attention to the bolded sentences:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. You're playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

—Marianne Williamson

#3. Fears of Stepping into Your Power

Many Holistic Practitioners struggle with growing their Practice because they don't fully see, embrace and act from the powerful Spiritual beings that they are. They don't fully see their unique gifts and allow those to shine brightly to help the hundreds and hundreds of people they are meant to help. They have seen power used in ways that were hurtful to others and don't want any part of it—so unconsciously they can block a HEALTHY form of expressing their power in the world—the power to be who they are FULL OUT AND to impact positive change on the Planet by developing their businesses to their FULLEST power and positive expression.

#4. Money Mindset Issues

This is HUGE. Many Holistic Practitioners have mixed feelings about making a lot of money in their Practice. They have seen some people with a lot of money use it destructively—hurting other people and the Planet and don't want any part of it. Consequently they struggle with tapping into the natural flow of abundance that is meant for them by sharing their gifts. Also there is a belief pattern in the collective consciousness that Holistic Practitioners can get pulled into which states "You cannot be Spiritual and Wealthy"—the two are at odds. The truth is for Holistic Practitioners creating wealth IS part of their Spiritual Path. What better hands for wealth to be in than the hands of heart-centered, global minded Holistic Practitioners! I have developed a Spiritual Wealth Consciousness System™ to help Holistic Practitioners break free of these limiting belief patterns once and for all! I will be sharing this during the Coaching Program.

Fast forward to today and I was SO inspired by my own success and being contacted by Therapists, Healers and Coaches around the world that wanted to create a successful Holistic Practice just like mine that launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy in June 2010. Through our Membership Program, Holistic Business Coaching Programs and Certification Programs we are helping beautiful Holistic Practitioners (see a handful of them in the picture below) all over the world create AMAZING, thriving 6-Figure Holistic Practices!

You don't have to figure it out on your own...I can help
In just 90 days you're going to walk away with:

#1. Shelley's 7 Step System to Market and Build Your 6-Figure Holistic Business

  • Why this system works (the magic behind the system)
  • Crystal clear road map to follow to build your business—whether you are brand new starting out—or have been in business for years and want to expand to the next level
  • Set up your system so you attract your ideal clients to you effortlessly and easily
  • Why the system actually will increase the results clients get from working with you (LOVE this!)
  • Why the system allows your Holistic Biz to expand and serve MORE clients and have a bigger impact on the Planet right now
  • You will get a copy of the 7-Step System that you can post in your Office to keep yourself on track

BONUS: Includes Done-for-You, step-by-step templates, checklists and examples that outline every simple secret you'll learn, all so you can use to get started immediately!

#2. On-Line Marketing for Holistic Business Owners Simplified

  • What are the 5 biggest mistakes Holistic Practitioners Make when starting to build their Practice on Line
  • 3 Key Tips for Seasoned Holistic Practitioners on how to use advanced on-line marketing strategies to expand your business to the next level
  • Fastest way to get your Web-site up and running
  • What are the 3 key things you need in place to be successful in your on-line marketing
  • The 5 powerful Energetic Principles behind your web-site and on-line marketing and how consciously being aware of this will create success for you beyond your wildest imagination

BONUS: Includes Done-for-You, step-by-step templates, checklists and examples you can use to get started with your on-line marketing in a variety of easy ways!

#3. How to Create Your First Information Product Easily on a Shoestring Budget

Have you dreamed of taking your knowledge and creating an information product? In the Workshop I will easily show you how to take that dream into a reality (my favorite thing to support Holistic Biz owners to do!) by creating your first Information Product

  • Biggest mistakes Holistic Practitioners make when creating their first information product
  • When the BEST time is in your business to create an information product and when it is the WORST time to create an information product. I will explain in detail the best time to create it to support your clients and your business in a beautiful way.

BONUS: Includes Done-for-You, step-by-step templates, checklists and examples of you can use to get started with creating your Information Product!

#4. Packaging and Pricing Your Services for High Impact and Accelerated Income

As things are accelerating on the Planet you need to adjust how you deliver your services to have the highest impact to support the growth and acceleration your clients are needing right now.

  • What are the new powerful ways to package and price your services
  • Why these new ways are SO powerful right now
  • What are the 3 key mindset shifts YOU must make in order to successfully offer these new packages
  • What are the 3 powerful results your clients will get from these new packages

BONUS: Includes Done-for-You, step-by-step templates, checklists and examples of you can use to get started with these packages immediately.

#5. 6-Figure Holistic Biz Templates

Wondering how you could ever create a 6 Figure Holistic Business? Once I mapped these templates out myself (the templates actually came to me as I was waiting for my bags at the Tucson, AZ airport) —I saw just how easy it was and this was the KEY shift I made to tip my Holistic Practice over the 6-Figure mark.

This section of the Workshop alone is worth its weight in Gold. Finally someone showing you step by step what you would need to do over the next 12 months to bring your business over the 6-Figure make and more! It's so much easier when you know how.

—I will give you 3 Different Holistic Biz Templates so you can choose which one fits what you like to do the most in your business

BONUS: Includes Done-for-You, step-by-step templates, checklists and examples of you can use to get started building your 6-Figure Biz immediately!

#6. 7 Audio Recordings of all of the Holistic Business Breakthrough Program Training Materials

...So you can listen to these over and over again—and reference these in the future when you need them the most

#7. Six Powerful LIVE Laser Coaching Q&A Calls with Shelley

...Where she can give you specific coaching on how to LEAP your Holistic Business this year. These group calls are priceless, Shelley's private coaching clients pay thousands of dollars to Coach with her—so this is a rare opportunity.


When you register for the Holistic Business Breakthrough Coaching Program you will get a FREE Ticket to the next Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy's 3 Day LIVE Workshop being held in Sep/Oct 2014!
(Value of ticket is $1297)

Take a look at the inspiring location of the GAHP Holistic Business Breakthrough Workshop, happening in beautiful Madison, WI...

We picked a place to host the GAHP LIVE Workshop that is uplifting and inspiring—a place that reflects the highest Vision of big dreams manifesting

We picked the location of Madison, WI because it is a city that even though located in Wisconsin—is truly a global city with students and residents from all corners of the World.

PLUS with the BIG Transformational Shifts that are happening on the Planet there is a connection with the highest lake in the world in South America and the Great Lakes here in the Midwest. So this area is a crucial spot in the upleveling and changes happening on the Planet right now—and will support you in truly upleveling in your Life and Business.

So, are you ready to join me?

Yes, Shelley!

I'm ready to join you for the Holistic Business Breakthrough Coaching Program because I want to get the step-by-step roadmap to quickly grow my list, begin to consistently attract a steady stream of ideal clients, create leveraged programs so I can help SO many more people with my unique gifts and I can FINALLY have the powerful impact I intended to when I came to the Planet!

Register for the HOLISTIC BUSINESS

Your registration includes:

Shelley's 7 Step System to Market and Build Your 6-Figure Holistic Business — including downloadable handouts, templates and scripts
On-Line Marketing for Holistic Business Owners Simplified
How to Create Your First Information Product Easily on a Shoestring Budget
Packaging and Pricing Your Services for High Impact and Accelerated Income
6-Figure Holistic Biz Templates
7 Audio Recordings of all of the Training Materials so you can listen to these over and over again—and reference these in the future when you need them the most
6 Live Laser Coaching Q and A Calls with Shelley as she gives you the specific coaching you need to LEAP your Holistic Business this year
Private Facebook Holistic Business Breakthrough Coaching Group Forum . Within a week you'll get an invitation to join your sacred tribe of the other Coaching Members for a private, highly-interactive, collaborative and loving community on Facebook.
Daily Accountability Buddy. You will be connected to another member of the Coaching Program to have daily 5 minute check-ins to support each other to implement and take action on all that you are learning in the Program.


Spiritual Wealth Consciousness System™ Training call that will be held in February to help you to shift and align with a powerful mindset to transform your money mindset to its highest level to activate wealth in your Holistic Business
Ticket to the next GAHP Holistic Business Breakthrough Workshop in lovely Madison, WI —Sep/Oct 2014 (Value of ticket is $1297)


You receive digital online-only access to all the course materials, including the audios, Workbook and extra materials (which you can download onto your iphone, ipad, or computer).

Pay in Full

Register Now

Payment Option
4 monthly payments of

Register Now


You receive digital online-only access to all the course materials, including the audios, Workbook and extra materials (which you can download onto your iphone, ipad, or computer).

PLUS — 1-Year Membership in the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching.

Pay in Full

Register Now

Payment Option
4 monthly payments of

Register Now


I can't wait to help you create the Holistic Business you've dreamed about with the 7-Step Marketing System that I'll be sharing with you during this Program. By the end of this program you will have a simple plan in place specifically designed to help you increase your Holistic Business income by as much as $2,500 - $25,000 each month.

So if you're ready to take your new or existing Holistic Business to the next level and you want the specific training, mindset shifts, systems to do so, then your time to FLY is right NOW. I can't wait to support you to create the Holistic Practice of Your Dreams this year!

Love & Blessings,

Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC
Founder and President of the
Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy

P.S. - I hope you'll register for the Holistic Business Breakthrough Coaching Program so that I can PERSONALLY show you how to build your Holistic Practice quickly, easily and simply!

Sangita PatelBefore I started working with Shelley I didn't have a clear direction for my Holistic Business. I was very passionate about the Holistic Methods I was using but I didn't know how to put that together into a solid, thriving Holistic Business. When I met Shelley at a conference I knew right away I wanted to work with her. I signed up for her GAHP Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching Certification Program. I had SO many amazing results from that program that I decided to sign up for her year long Holistic Visionary Program. Things have moved so quickly I don't even recognize my life or myself; things have changed so dramatically in a fairly short amount of time!

Here is what I have accomplished from my work with Shelley:

  • Developed an amazing, branded website that I LOVE that works like a charm attracting my Ideal Clients:)
  • Tripled my Fee
  • Gave my first Transformation Workshop
  • Gave my first Tele-class
  • Wrote a book
  • Was on stage sharing my story in front of 200 people
  • Had a big money breakthrough that allowed me to charge even more and feel very comfortable doing it:)
  • I am now attracting my Ideal Clients consistently
  • Went from 150 Facebook Likes to 18,000 Likes
  • Was invited to be on the Dr. Oz show!!

Things keep expanding and growing for me. Now I am in the Level 3 Certification course experiencing an even deeper level of growth with Breathwork. I am so blessed to have Shelley in my life. Thank you!!

Sangita Patel
Embrace Your Inner Self

Teena EvertI was in the process of leaving a group practice because my experience was not what I wanted it to be. I was burned out with very little energy left to enjoy my life. I knew that I wanted to be working with my ideal clients, sharing my passion for cultivating healthy love relationships, and feeling energized and fulfilled by my work. I was so ready and willing to do whatever it would take to make a BIG shift in my life, but I didn't know where to really start or how to build the momentum toward a practice that I could sustain. I didn't wholeheartedly believe that I could create the practice that I desired and longed for.

I found the Global Association for Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching during a late night internet search for a coaching program that would help me take the leap. Everything Shelley had to say spoke to me. I had a good feeling inside and a spark of excitement ignited! I spoke with Shelley to confirm that this was a great opportunity for me and before I knew it I signed up! I have been in alignment with my Spirit and trust in the support of this program. I have been able to build momentum in such a short time.

Here is what I have accomplished so far after just 6 weeks of being in the Program:

  • I was able to get clear about my Niche in my Holistic Psychotherapy Practice: I work with Couples who are struggling using Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy to help them to heal and live a happy life that promises love, connection, and joyful relationships!!
  • I created a new Program, the Bridge to Love Program for couples and began marketing and enrolling couples into this Program!!
  • I developed a Logo and Branding that is totally in alignment with my Spirit and the work that I do
  • I took bold steps to network and get Visible with the work that I do more than I ever have (I surprised myself with HOW much I started putting myself out there!)
  • I scheduled my first Tele-Class
  • In 1 week enrolled 4 of my Ideal Clients! Yahoo!!

It has been so much fun, I have energy to live my life to the fullest and I wholeheartedly believe that I can create above and beyond what I had originally imagined!

Teena Evert, LMFT, LAC
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapist
Holistic Business Name: Couple Therapy Connection

Maggie ChulaBefore I started working with Shelley I was working very hard but not making much progress bringing my Life Mission into focus. I had 4 web-sites and was a bit scattered and confused as to how to pull all of my work together in a cohesive, focused voice with a web-site that reflected my new direction. I joined Shelley's 90 Day Holistic Biz Coaching Program which helped me begin to hone in on my Ideal Client, the focus of my business and really look at the deeper ways I was holding myself back with my services, classes and pricing.

I knew from working in that Program that I wanted to Coach with Shelley in her Holistic Leader Program. I spoke with her and found out the details for the Program. When she shared the investment amount for the Program I took a big gulp because it was a BIG stretch for me to pay~ but I knew she was the right person to help me get to where I wanted to go with my Business.

Once I started the Program I was on the fast track.

  • Shelley helped me get super clear that my Ideal Clients were Spiritual Leaders and Visionaries.
  • We came up with amazing Branding that reflects exactly who I am and how I can serve my Life Mission.
  • I worked with her web-team and Shelley to design a gorgeous web-site.
  • We mapped out a Certification Training Program for a body of work that is very powerful.

I was able to recently launch my Web-site and announce my Certification Program.

What has happened since than has been truly magical. I have signed on 6 of my Ideal Clients and I expect there will be many more. The icing on the cake was a woman whom I met at an expo I recently participated in. She sent me an email letting me know she wants to talk about whether she would be a good candidate for my certification training and believe me she would be!! All of this has happened in only 4 months of working with Shelley. I know this is just the beginning and I feel truly blessed that the impact I wanted to make when I came to the Planet is finally happening!!

My heart is so full of happiness and joy I feel truly blessed. I thank Shelley for coming into my life and sharing her loving spirit with me. I know I could not have done this without her. I want to share my joy with others at what a wonderful marketing, business, holistic psychotherapist Shelley is. Thank you so much Shelley :)

Maggie Chula, Spiritual Healer & Teacher

Jill GreinkeI have known for a long time that I have a big Mission on the Planet, but I was hiding out. I was so busy with my traditional practice and I had no idea to get from where I was to my big Vision.

I prayed for support and then Shelley's email landed in my Inbox. At first I avoided the Events she was announcing. Almost like my Spirit knew if I started, there would be no turning back. I was getting ready.

Finally when I connected with Shelley, I jumped in with both feet. I signed up for her highest level Coaching Program and also her Certification Program. I went for the full immersion.

I have grown and expanded in ways that are hard to put Into words. I have been through the deepest kind of Transformation over the last year that I have ever been through in my life.

I am now lined up with my Soul's Mission. I have an amazing website that reflects who I really am and what I am here to do. I have made the shift in my practice to working more from a more holistic, spiritually based way and my clients are making huge shifts.

I avoided and was overwhelmed by the technical aspect of building my business on-line initially. I have come a LONG way with Shelley's support. I am active now on Social Media and I now am able to set up my own Facebook Ads on my own (huge!) I have doubled my Facebook Likes in the last 2 weeks! I am doing things I never in a million years would have imagined I would do!

I am writing articles regularly for a Holistic publication and I am getting a GREAT response from people. I am regularly leading Transformational Workshops and will be launching my first on-line Coaching Program after the first of the year.

Working with Shelley is like coming home to yourself. Shelley has loving and compassionate energy about her that helps one to open up to one's own unique energetic "stamp" - unique passion and gifts ready to be shared with the world!

Shelley is accepting and loving but also is able to mirror back one's soul's mission for the world.

The groups that are part of Shelley's programs are uplifting, accepting and inviting. I am so grateful for Shelley and all members of the GAHP for the common soul efforts to service the world as well as each soul's individuality within that.

Shelley gives effort and support that is immeasurable! The benefits of working with her and members of the GAHP are priceless!!!

I am so grateful for Shelley and the GAHP!!!

Jill E. Greinke, LCSW, Holistic Psychotherapist and Transformational Consultant

Melody AkenaBefore signing up for the Holistic Visionary Program I didn't have a business – I had done a coaching course in 2007/8 but after that nothing –no clients that paid and the ones I did have were free. They were getting amazing results but I didn't have the confidence in my abilities to step up and charge any fee. I was toying with getting a website together but that wasn't going anywhere fast. It was 4 years later and there was no website. In a nutshell – it wasn't happening despite my best efforts.

When I signed up I really wanted to be held accountable to really manifest my big Vision. I wasted so much time cobbling together my own course from a variety of sources because I convinced myself it would be more cost effective but I realized I wasn't getting anywhere.

When I signed up I really wanted to be held accountable to really manifest my big Vision. I was ready to invest in myself and I finally felt like I found the right Coach for me. The Holistic Visionary Program brought everything I need to finally focus and grow my business in one place with a very high level of support. The best parts are the weekly calls, Friday Check-ins and the VIP days which created turbo charged leaps of progress for me. I was FINALLY creating my BIG VISION!

Here is what else I love about the Program:

  • Accountability and Community that I just love – everyone goes on about this but Shelley leads a truly inspiring group with coaches, healers and psychotherapists inside her Program. When you have that type of support it just opens up a whole lot of possibilities to grow your business. It was a breath of fresh air to have an amazing group of people to bounce things off or to give me that pep talk when needed. This was so instrumental in creating my website and giving me the courage to step out and promote my business in new ways through leading Workshops, Teleclasses and my own VIP days.
  • The Supportive Mirror – this one might sound strange but the truth is when you are in your business every day you lose sight of why you are there and your talents and gifts. The Program really supported me in fine tuning my gifts and was confirmation that I needed to go all out in creating a business that I love and that it could be heart- centered, profitable and of service.

My Results from being in the Program:

  • Getting Paid for my Coaching, and getting paid well!- After years of doing my Coaching on the side and not charging it was HUGE for me to begin charging. After the initial fear I moved through, I quickly raised my fees and even starting offering high level VIP days for a very handsome fee. What a true shift for me and I now am completely comfortable charging for the true value of what I am offering
  • My Website – I smile when I see what I have created in service to the world. After years of pondering Logos for months and months on end to actually have my web-site complete is truly amazing.
  • My Programs– I love offering my own VIP days and have grown more confident offering these to my clients. Creating and offering explorer, discoverer and trailblazer~ my new Coaching Programs – was like being a proud new Mum!
  • Personal Confidence – This is like my secret benefit. My clients notice the difference in the way I deliver my Coaching services. I quickly realized in this Programs my confidence has grown to such a level that I feel I have expanded my gifts as well. My intuition has gone through the roof and not only my Clients are loving it but my family/friends see the huge change in me too. I feel like a completely different person than I was when I started the Program.

Melody Akena
The Dare to Be Coach

Within the first few weeks of working with Shelley, things just seemed to fall into place. In less than a month, I acquired 4 new full fee weekly clients, 3 new full fee biweekly clients, plus several other referrals and inquiries that are still in process. My mouth is agape even as I write this!

One of the big reasons I was drawn to Shelley was epitomized in the way I used to introduce myself - "I'm a existential/transpersonal psychotherapist; Shaman and Energy Healer; and I teach Chi Gung, Tai Chi, Taoist Breathing, Yoga and meditation, and the Feldenkrais Method". Well, that's quite a mouthful, usually confused people, and, frankly, made me feel a bit all over the place.

I always knew that all these modalities, and the 25+ years of training and study I put into them, were very important and central to what I do. BUT - I was at an absolute stalemate with how to market myself and I was hiding behind others for years. I knew in my Heart I had so much to give but was feeling almost completely defeated as to how to bring myself forward into the world.

Dorothy FitzerI was drawn to Shelley by her outlook and emphasis on being holistic as well as very spiritually open. What really sold me on working with her, though, was her quality of presence the moment we spoke. I could tell she was with me vs. an agenda - something that was my usual experience with business coaches. I felt like I finally found one who got me and thus would have the ability to help bring out my work in an authentic way.

Within the first few weeks of working with Shelley, things just seemed to fall into place. It was more "energetic" than intellectual. I felt far more clear than I ever have on how to focus my business. I experienced deep relief from the support and knowing that it would bring tangible results. And the absolute most remarkable thing was that my business began to see an enormous shift and growth before any of my strategies were made public. In less than a month, I acquired 4 new full fee weekly clients, 3 new full fee biweekly clients, plus several other referrals and inquiries that are still in process. So, literally, the new business was already being pulled in by the shift in energy. My mouth is agape even as I write this.

I'm still only in the second month of the Holistic Leader year long program. I can't wait to see what my testimonial will say in a few more months :)

With Love.

Dorothy Fitzer, Shamanic Psychotherapist

Kerry GeocarisThe timing of me taking the 90-day Holistic Business Breakthrough Coaching Program couldn't have been more perfect. It was exactly what I needed after completing my Certification. I gained so much through the process. Everything seems to be coming together now. I am now absolutely clear on my mission and it has helped me to "keep it simple" and it laid the foundation for my elevator speech. It was the missing piece for me as I was struggling with how to "tell my story" and now when I tell people my condensed version of my mission, they immediately want more. It has made me more excited and helped me overcome my fears along the way.

I absolutely love the ideal client work because I used to just take on clients because I needed the money. I have learned to set boundaries and be up front with people. What is interesting is I have even told people that they aren't my ideal client and it is almost making them work to be my ideal client because they "want" to be now. Getting clear on my elevator speech was so powerful. When I ran my speech past a friend of mine who would be an ideal client she said "Oh my God, that is exactly what I need!".

This program totally paved the way for things to really happen. We are in the process of producing a mini-documentary on my story and the video we have is going to provide endless amounts of content that can be used. It also forced me to write my script for my first tele-seminar and I will be practicing with Audio Acrobat this week and then the plan is to have it as part of my website launch and then available for download. I finished my "free assessment" offer and am almost done with my free ebook that I will be offering as well.

I am very happy that I had this program because it forced me to work through things in a systematic way. I know that when my website launches it is going to be SIMPLY MARVELOUS!!! Thanks Shelley!

Kerry Geocaris, GCHC

Pam KachelmeierImagine this happening; you're totally relaxed with your eyes closed and engaged in deep rhythmic belly breathing, you're listening to powerful penetrating music as you are tapping into a state of receiving, can you see it?” This is a small glimpse of what I experienced at the GAHP's Life Breakthrough Transformational Workshop. And, did I receive a breakthrough to say the least.

I entered the workshop with a clean slate of not knowing what I would receive in regards to some questions I had about the development and growth of my business, Meaningful Life Counseling and Coaching.

I came away with a wealth of clarity and information. I couldn't believe the huge transformation that happened for me. I FINALLY was able to see how all the different experiences on my Life Path now make sense and help me see how Spiritually destined I am to do this work. I now have rock solid confidence belief in myself and my Big Vision for my Holistic Business as I move forward!

Shelley is an amazing business coach who gently guides and effectively provides the space for rich transformations. I can't wait to see what is next. And on top of it the Workshop was a ton of fun too!

Pam Kachelmeier MA, PC, CLC
Professional Counselor and Life Coach
Holistic Business: Meaningful Life Counseling

Tina GamesI've just completed the Holistic Leader Platinum Retreat with Shelley Riutta and one of the things I've really gotten out of this retreat is the BIGNESS of my mission in the world. I'm here to make an impact on the planet in a very unique, very special way - and I've been playing too small. I've been concerned over the years about visibility and whether or not I'm the right person to lead this movement. And what I've gotten out of this retreat is YES - I am the right person to lead this movement! And with Shelley's help and with the support of the amazing people in my GAHP mastermind group, I'm excited about moving forward! I am leaving this retreat with an open heart, an open mind, a plan, and I am going to lead a mission-inspired movement in the world - helping people connect with their divine purpose, step into their life story, and create their legacy!

Tina Games, Life Purpose and Intuitive Coach
The Moonlight Muse

Stefanie NesmithI successfully lead my first Transformational Workshop, and therefore had my first paying clients!

I totally loved the training. I loved the 2-1/2 days of kick-off workshop and meeting all the other therapists and healers. It was so nice connecting with like-minded people!

I worked through a lot of false beliefs, particularly those related to visibility. I am just starting out in developing my Practice. Not having that fear of being visible anymore will help me tremendously in stepping out there and connecting with the clients who are meant to work with me. I also learned how to write bullets and titles for Workshops and I learned how to market a Transformational Workshop. I became more confident in working holistically and got more clarity about the direction I want to take my Practice.

I successfully lead my first Transformational Workshop, and therefore had my first paying clients!

Stefanie Nesmith, Holistic Psychotherapist, GCHP

Bobbi Silverstone

I just wanted to share what happened this week. I had told Shelley that my goal was to get my yoga classes filled to 14 people. On Tuesday night, I had 15 show up and I only have space for 14. I gave up my yoga mat and moved to the center of the room. I taught with no mat and it was a great class. On Wednesday night, I had 14 show up and both classes have all committed in advance for next month. Last night I had to turn 4 people down for my restorative class. Today, I had a woman pay in advance for 6 breath sessions. Things are moving right along with my goals and I feel the energy of this group....yea!

Bobbi Silverstone, Serenity Yoga and Breathwork

Patricia YoungBefore I signed up for the Program I didn't have a business. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I kept postponing it for later because I had a full-time job in the corporate world. By the end of 2013 I made the resolution that I would take action to start building my business. I knew that I wanted to follow my calling, so I looked for a Holistic certification and started thinking on my vision, of how I wanted my business to serve and help others.

That's when I found Shelley. When I met Shelley I jumped in with both feet. I decided that I needed to invest in myself, so I registered for the Holistic Coaching Certification Programs, and also for the Holistic Leader Program. I signed up because I wanted to learn from someone that has walked the path in a successful way, and because I wanted to be held accountable to really be able to see my vision become a reality.

In just 3 months of being in the Programs I:

  • Gained clarity of what I wanted to do in my business
  • Clarity on my Mission,
  • Clarity about my Ideal clients
  • What my Services are
  • Have have created a beautiful and inviting website that reflects who I am and speaks to my ideal clients!

This program has brought everything I needed to focus and build my business from scratch. All of this with a continuous high level of support.

Here are a few of my accomplishments since I started working with Shelley, but I know there is so much more to come!

  • I will be facilitating my first Transformational Workshop in June
  • I am collaborating offering my Reiki and Holistic Coaching services at a local Wellness Center
  • I will give a Tele-Class in July
  • I am participating in an inspiring Giveaway in August
  • I will start an online Coaching Program in September

I love working with Shelley because she is very knowledgeable and compassionate. She has a gentle way of holding you accountable. I love the program because there is a sense of community and support among all members of the program that is truly uplifting and motivating. I love being in connected with heart-centered and like-minded people. I feel that I'm being more authentic, and that I have grown and expanded in ways that I would have never thought possible.

I'm so grateful for having Shelley in my life!!

Patricia Young
Life Purpose Coach
Holistic Business: Inner Prosperity Academy

Chris SullivanBefore I started working with Shelley as my holistic business coach, I was unfocused, and fear and doubt kept me from making any meaningful progress growing my holistic animal healing practice. With two degrees in business and marketing, I knew what I needed to do, but something was holding me back.

I was clear that I wanted to work with a holistic coach, and when I found the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapists I was intrigued by Shelley and the programs she offers. What drew me in was that Shelley's services are focused on the unique needs of therapists, healers, coaches and holistic practitioners. I took the leap, trusting that I had gotten what I'd asked for, and signed up with the Holistic Business School almost immediately.

What I love most about working with Shelley is that:

  • She is kind, gentle, generous and genuine and has inspired and supported me to step into my power and light.
  • Her guidance and expertise go beyond just the business-side of things and extend to helping work through underlying obstacles.
  • She leads from the heart and has created a beautiful community that allows for support, growth, healing and synergy for her entire tribe.
  • She has created an extensive online knowledge base, so when I want more training it's there for me 24/7.

Since working with Shelley the past six months I have:

  • Let go of fear, doubt, worry and struggle.
  • Been living more fully and authentically
  • Become clear about my unique offering for my clients.
  • Crystalized who my ideal client is.
  • Created systems that leverage my time and do the "selling" for me.
  • Tripled my fees and grown my income.
  • Worked with more clients in the 6 months I have been working with Shelley than in the past 2 years combined.
  • Gained confidence to network with other accomplished experts, such as veterinarians, animal rescuers and sanctuaries worldwide.

What I have realized is that my mission and vision to help animals are big. In order to live this passion and fulfill my life's purpose, I must not only invest in myself, but I must invest in that purpose and those I am humbly here to serve. I am so grateful to have found Shelley and the GAHP because I now feel that with Shelley's support I have been able to lay a strong foundation and am on my way toward making my vision a reality.

Christine Sullivan
Holistic Animal Healer
Holistic Business: Earth Sky Animal Healing

The Holistic Business Coaching Fee is non-refundable. If you are making payments for the Program you are responsible for all of the Payments even if you choose not to participate or are unable to participate for any reason. If for some reason you can't participate—you can apply the funds to future programs, products or services within one year.